What is High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension? The Silent Killer | Genesis Mercado M.D.

What is High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension? 
The Silent Killer

Genesis Mercado M.D.
Published on 9/3/2021

Our topic will answer the following questions: 1. What is the normal blood pressure? 2. What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure? 3. What is hypertension? Before we discuss hypertension, we will first discuss the artery. Artery is a blood vessel that carries blood from our heart going to the different parts of our body Artery is important because the pressure exerted in the arterial wall will tell us our blood pressure For example, your doctor informed you that your blood pressure is 120/80 The first number, the numerator, 120, that is your systolic blood pressure While the number below the line, the denominator, that is your diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted by your blood in the walls of the artery whenever your heart beats Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted by your blood to the walls of the artery whenever our heart relax in between beats. The doctor use guidelines to identify if a patient is hypertensive or not. The video will discuss the Philippine guidelines, and the American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiology guidelines Philippine guidelines is different from the American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiology guidelines. For example, the patient has BP of 139/89. - if the doctor will use the Philippine guidelines, the patient is borderline blood pressure. - But if the doctor will use the American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiology guidelines , the patient is stage I hypertensive It is up to your doctor to choose which guidelines he will use for the patient Treatment plan will depend on the Blood pressure category Blood pressure category will depend on the specific guidelines So the next time that you visit your doctor, and the doctor will tell you that you are hypertensive, You can now ask your doctor, “Doc, I am hypertensive because of which guidelines? I hope your learned something new today, kindly like and share this video to your friends Thank you References: 1) Executive Summary of the 2020 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension in the Philippines https://psn.org.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/jch.14335.pdf 2) 2017 Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines https://www.acc.org/~/media/Non-Clinical/Files-PDFs-Excel-MS-Word-etc/Guidelines/2017/Guidelines_Made_Simple_2017_HBP.pdf 3) Understanding Blood Pressure Readings. American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/understanding-blood-pressure-readings Disclaimer 1) The information provided in this video is for informational purpose only. 2) This video is not intended to replace the medical advice of a physician or other qualified health provider. 3) This video does not create a doctor - patient relationship. 4) Do not self medicate. 5) Genesis Mercado M.D. will NOT assume any liability for injury, illness, death or other damages that may result from the use of the information in this video. 6) Seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider if you have questions regarding your medical condition. .

Genesis A. Mercado M.D. 
is a biologist and a licensed medical doctor
trained in Internal Medicine 


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